Used Cars: The New Rules Of Buying Used

Buying a used car in 2015 is a lot different than it was even 15 or 20 years ago. 'Back then', you never bought a car that had more than 100,000 miles on the odometer. And small dents in the rear bumper meant big slashes to the price tag. But in this day and age, people are more concerned about an automobile's reliability than they are about whether or not it turns heads. 

While the 2008 financial crisis certainly played it's part in this phenomenon since it meant most people wouldn't be purchasing a new vehicle on credit any time soon, there has been an overwhelming change in sentiment as well. This article details the new rules of used-car buying that will not only put you at ease the next time you're on a used car lot, but will also help you find the best deal when you're there. 

High Mileage Doesn't Equal Jalopy Anymore

In 2015, it's becoming more and more common to hear about individuals who drove their Japanese import or 1990-something sedan well past the two hundred thousand mile indicator on the odometer, and who insist wouldn't sell their vehicle for any amount. That's because the manufacturing process and maintenance schedules for vehicles in the twenty-first century are designed to allow cars and trucks to hit these mileposts. When properly maintained, high-mileage cars actually represent a real bargain. This list here enumerates a number of vehicles that, when taken care of, can go well past the three hundred thousand mile marker.

It's Not About Looks Anymore

Since most people don't earn more money than they know what to do with, the majority of society is more than content to drive a less-than-idealized vehicle in their daily life. While no one wants to drive an absolute junker, most people are, by and large, comfortable driving around (in vehicles that simply 'look fine', so long as the vehicle itself is mechanically sound. After all who wants to deal with recurring maintenance issues on a car they only bought a few months ago?

Overall, buying a used car can be a much simpler experience than it was in decades past. Cars and trucks with over 100,000 miles, provided they've been well maintained, can be reasonably expected to reach the two hundred thousand or even three hundred thousand mile marker. Additionally, while automobile owners are content to drive less than show-quality vehicles, many dealers are still accustomed to the need to bargain when it comes to blemishes and other imperfections.
