Vehicle manufacturers issue recalls for defects that have been discovered, some of which could be serious safety issues. New car dealerships fix the problem for free; all the owner has to do is schedule an appointment and bring the car or truck in for the service. Despite these precautions, many recall defects have never been fixed. If you're considering buying a used car or truck, it's important to check its recall history and to learn whether these repairs have been made.
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Owning a motorcycle is a great joy and thrill for millions of people all over the world. While cars are okay, there are at least three significant reasons that cars just can't hold a candle to motorcycles.
1. Motocycles Are More Space-Friendly Than Cars
This goes for parking on a street to parking in a garage. You can spend 10 minutes trying to parallel park a sedan in a space on the side of the street, or just slide right in--with room to spare--with a motorcycle.
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The biggest worry of every used car buyer is that they are going to end up with a lemon. Follow these steps as you check out the used car before you purchase.
Find out if the car you are purchasing has a warranty on it, and what exactly that warranty covers. If the car is not too old, then you may still have some time, or mileage, on the factory warranty.
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Buying a used car in 2015 is a lot different than it was even 15 or 20 years ago. 'Back then', you never bought a car that had more than 100,000 miles on the odometer. And small dents in the rear bumper meant big slashes to the price tag. But in this day and age, people are more concerned about an automobile's reliability than they are about whether or not it turns heads.
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